Horsham RTTS Event 3

With TBIS Horsham just a day away, the bookies have been taking a closer look at the field. The committee have somewhat harshly handicapped a large portion, which has caused many to throw their rattles out the pram - but who is going to pick theirs up and make their bid for the Baking Tray? Here is what we think:

Ash Taylor - 4/1

The TBIS's pro - Ash is taking a day out from running a scaffolding empire to return to the TBIS tour. A promising start at Gatton saw him take home the Baking Tray and forever have his name etched in history, but since then the curse of the tray has haunted him a little and he has been on a downward spiral. But like all true greats, form is temporary and class is permanent - we fully expect Taylor to tear Horsham GC apart. Great price at 4/1.


Adam Hunt - 4/1

In to single digits with his handicap now - a steep hill to climb to get a winners trophy here off 8 for Hunt - may be more focused on the Race to the Stone championship now. However was spotted on Wednesday night with fellow competitors Humphreys and Thetford putting a practice round in.


Craig Boiling - 6/1

One of the few people to ever win a bet on the TBIS market - Honest Boiling came to the committee and let us know his handicap needed to be dropped, he then went on to hit 34 pts total on top at Surrey, if all honesty was applied by other players then we're sure we wouldn't have winners with 40+ points, shame on them. Craig is knocking… and Im sure it wont be long till a win is under his belt. Will this Friday be the one?


Brad Lewis - 3/1

This guy is getting better and better, seen on the course 7 days a week has made Brad a short short price for the win this week. If he can get his putter hot then the TBIS could lose him to the European tour. Dad and Son time has been in full flow where putting techniques and club flight paths have been the main topic of discussion over roast dinner lunches out. Big Chance this week of a win


Joe Perry - 13/2

Perry Winkle is either Hot… or very cold at present. Cant seem to put 18 together but always comes in with a good 9 somewhere. Been chipping in on 2/3 occasions a round recently which shows practice has been put in, which doesn’t make sense regarding a handicap that Hes cradling even though Hes a member of a club for 3 months… you do the math. Big Chance of a win at Horsham


Ross Adams - 5/1

Ross made a big big mistake in sending his card to the TBIS committee last week with a tremendous round at the lovely Reedy Oak down in Dorset. Dark horse who resembles a horse. Punters may want to back this nag.


Dave Wilds - 8/1

Although hes not a member Mr Wilds would say this is his home course, local knowledge is key around this treelined golf club where playing a certain way can easily bring in the points, something Wildsy definitetly has.


Dave Herbert - 5/1

Herbert is definitely in with a shout for the TBIS's Most Improved Player - gone from 24 handicap to 15 in a short year. Currently sitting 2nd in the Race to the Stone leaderboard, and with Lew Jenkins sidelined for this event, a great opportunity for Spanish Dave to stamp his authority at the top.


Richard Bartlett - 13/2

New boy to the tour and comes in with a nice swing. Serious competition for other players and the TBIS tour itself with Rich being a CEO of another knock off golf society. Rumours have it he wants out after seeing what the TBIS have brought to the table


Sam Bond - 7/1

Another Horsham regular, has found his footing in the TBIS after an impressive 36 points at Surrey National. Has helped the committee out massively on a few admin tasks recently, and probably has more chance of becoming a full committee member than Liam.


Adrian King - 7/1

Little Aidy as he is affectionately known, is a regular to the course, and loves what he sees on most occasions. If he gets out the blocks quick he is a hard one to catch. The first tee like for most is the defining factor of the day… hit it straight and up the middle cutting the trees in two like Moses parting the red sea and he will be there or there abouts, hook it right or slice left then well that could be Aidy day over! The only guy on tour to be knee high in grass when standing on the fairway.


Neil King - 8/1

Neil has been on and off on the TBIS tour, but has finally committed fully and gone all out and brought the full TBIS kit - and fortunately saved the TBIS committee a few £££ by charging him full price and him only ordering a small boys outfit. Yet to break the 30 point barrier in his previous rounds - might be his time to shine this week.


Lee Garnham - 7/1

What Lee Garnham will the tour get… hard one to put a price against after taking the committee by shock with a win after a 18 point pony hat loss. Very hard to factor what Garnham we will get, mostly because he doesn’t even know what game he will bring… or in fact why hes there anyway! One to watch, and one the TBIS committee have considered with the handicap process this time round.


Paul Franks - 8/1

Paul will be disappointed in his first outing at the TBIS - a meagre 24 points saw him struggle round the Surrey countryside. However, he's now back in his own backyard and grouped up with a regular partner in crime Collins, could see his comfort level rise and points come raining down. At 17/2, this guy could hurt the bookies.


Grant Thetford - 17/2

Fresh off the back of a dislocated shoulder, the TBIS committee has seen this as a sign of strength and (un)fairly cut him 2 shots "just in case". Got a practice round in with 2 of the TBIS head honchos where he only shot 24 points - however this might have been Grant playing the game, trying to get a few shots back from the committee


Gary Tillet - 9/1

The TBIS visit Gary's home club this time out, where we expect him to lead his group around the luscious Sussex countryside like an Everest Sherpa. Money will come for Gary - got a good shout here.


Ryan Geall - 10/1

Scaff again steps up to the pack where if its not the TBIS Group ball being played then he is not interested. Came home with the Roberts last time round where his group left him to spend the winnings! Big mistake! Gone like the wind that money and this could be the case here as well. The only thing in the big man’s favour is the low flight irons which could…. And I mean could…. Carve his way through the trees and expected high winds of Horsham.


Macca Daniels - 9/1

The Italian Ginger is slowly bringing down his handicap week in week out at the prestigious Worthing GC which all will know is not an easy track locally. Smart outside cash is the bet for Macca here where he could easily see his name represented on the famous tray come end of play Friday.


Dave Hedgecock - 10/1

Hedgy, a police officer by day, is gaining momentum on the tour and starting to piece together some consistent scores. Will he go one step closer this time round is the question. Has the capabilities but as we all know, golf is hard and on the day you need a little lady luck on your side as well. And if he asks, the TBIS committee does not take illegal black market bets on this event - the last thing the committee needs is Hedgy having a bad round and coming after us!


Tony Elliot - 10/1

Tony another member of the Horsham GC Community where regular charity days are created in honour of Tony to top up his golf trips to Spain. Straight and short off the tee will see Tony master his way around the course like a mating pheasant primed to strike. Money will definitely come for the old timer who could be a lovely outside bet. Fortuntately drawn in the second to last group, meaning everyone before his group will be in the pub before 4, and everyone after in the pub for 8.


Scott Hunt - 10/1

Knock Off Hunt came to Surrey and played well in the rain, the perm held up and kept him dryer then the rest of the field. With rain due again this Friday then Scotty may be the bet based of the conditions due.


Ash Towler - 9/1

The Phantom returns…. This is the first time ever that the phantom has been seen at an event on two occasions straight. Friends, Family, the holy grail have never seen this beforehand, and well if these odds are to follow then maybe the bet at big odds is the favourable one.


Ross Standen - 9/1

Big hitter Ross aka the giant could swallow up this course if hes straight of the tee, if he isn’t this could be a long afternoon especially around the compact front 9. New putter in the bag has seen his strokes around the greens drop week after week, Ross will be sniffing around the tray this weekend and could be a nice one to get on within the betting ring,


Luke Collins - 11/1

After hearing news that the TBIS after-party is at the Empire, the odds came tumbling down for Lukey - a regular on tour who hasn't really made any waves yet, but his love for the Empire might be enough to create that bit of fire in his belly that will bring home the Baking Tray


Liam Humphreys - 66/1

The only player in TBIS history to constantly be over 50/1 in the betting market, and on this occasion his odds will go out yet again - you can get 66/1 on this barn owl wannabe. Practice rounds have been played prior to Fridays event with Potter gagging to prove the doubters wrong - rumours of a solid 32 points banked won't be enough to worry the bookies. One thing for certain is that the Barn owl will have a run where he looks like he's a prime predator in the field, but like always the buzzards will prevail and this little owl will be making the bookies that little bit richer


Gareth Cook - 11/1

After a very wet but very solid front 9, then the sun came out and caused this ginger stallion all sorts of problems on the back 9. Won't be the only ginger on tour to hope there is no sun on Friday - the weather will definitely affect how much money comes for this guy.


Chris Lawrence - 10/1

Had the victory snatched from him at Surrey National (or rather, he threw it away with a terrible uphill putt) - bagged 40 points towards the Race to the Stone but has he got another performance in his like that after a 4 shot cut. Rumours have it that Chris is supposed to be on a family camping trip but is cutting that short to take the day at the TBIS. The committee loves this dedication, however it isn't enough to get a shot back.


Dan Branch - 12/1

Rumours of not playing golf in 3 months can't be confirmed - the TBIS committee are unsure how to handicap this one. His two previous TBIS rounds have been underwhelming but Horsham being a scoring course, it can be expected that some of the higher handicaps will have big chances to shoot some big points. Maybe one to watch.


Alex Sutton - 18/1

If this was a competition for nicest guy ever, Alex would win… unfortunately its not, its for golf… and well…. he tries. Keep your cash in your pocket guys


Dan Tuppen - 18/1

The TBIS committee have found their conscience and fairly handicapped Tuppen at 30. Still a big learning curve for him, but one for the future.


Mike Dunn - 18/1

Tough ask for Dunners to hit the ground running here with a win, but if this was a bet for the love of the game this would be a odds on fav


Ashley Wright - 18/1

Won the coveted "I'm Pony at Golf" cap at Surrey National. One of the last people to win (Lee Garnham) that hat went on to win the next event.