The Finals
The TBIS Finals is a 2 day event with 8 qualifying events which will contribute towards your overall score

Players will be ranked on their 6 best scoring events out of 8. Any tied places will go down to the person with the highest single point round, then best lowest single point round, and then 3 best rounds

Top 4 players will start ‘The Finals’ with a handicap point head start as follows:

1st : 4 points

2nd : 3 points

3rd : 2 points

4th : 1 point

During the finals, the winners will decided by total points over the 2 days plus their starting points. Any ties for positions will be decided by a putt off.

Day 1 of finals will be random drawn 4 balls. Day 2 of finals will be groups of players based on your total points from day 1 of the finals plus any starting points.

The Finals Prizes

£800 golf voucher

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin et ipsum non augue porttitor mollis eget semper nisl.

A mix of putters

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin et ipsum non augue porttitor mollis eget semper nisl.

Drivers and Fairway woods

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin et ipsum non augue porttitor mollis eget semper nisl.

6 hours of golf lessons

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin et ipsum non augue porttitor mollis eget semper nisl.

Golf bags and other golf accessories

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin et ipsum non augue porttitor mollis eget semper nisl.

*Prizes may change if more / less people participate

Events - 2024/2025



Worthing (Upper) Golf Club

Christmas Major - Shotgun start

Current Finals Standings

Click here to view the leaderboard